Joachim (or Joey as he’s most often referred as) created his first website at the age of 11. Ever since, he’s been passionate about all things web and has given himself the technical know-how to develop websites and web applications. In 2008, he tried out WordPress and fell in love with the platform. He is happy to have seen it grow to where it is today. Joey lives up north in Canada, originally from Montreal, QC and recently relocated to Vancouver, BC. He works as a freelancer web developer and occasionally teams up with bigger agencies, building WordPress plugins and complex WordPress-based website solutions. He loves participating (and speaking when possible) at WordCamps and meetups, with previous experience at the Montreal and Portland WordCamps, as well as the Montreal & Vancouver WordPress meetup groups. He’s a strong believer of the open-source mentality and the opendata movements. Outside, of the web world, he’s an avid coffee drinker & dog lover (with a Beagle named Winston and a Schnauzer named Pepinot). He loves walks on the Vancouver seawall, which surrounds the city.
Joachim Kudish
About dremeda
Dre is a 12 year Navy veteran with experience in various web and security disciplines. A Certified Information Systems Security Professional who speaks at various events in an effort to raise information security awareness. After his Navy days, Dre held various leadership positions in the tech start-up world including Applied Watch Technologies, and Secure-i Inc. Dre is active in the WordPress community and an advocate for security standards in the hosting world. Dre was the CEO and Co-Founder Sucuri Inc, and VP of Operations at WebDevStudios. Dre also served as Senior Director of Security Products at GoDaddy.
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