I started learning to program when I was 14 years old back in the 90’s, the very first computer language I got involved with outside of html standards was Perl since that was really all that existed in those days in terms of open example code to look at and get ideas from.
At about 17 I joined the Marines back in 2001 and spent 8 years in the military, it was the best time of my life having gotten out as a Sergeant with 2 Iraq tours under my belt.
I solved some really fun logistical puzzles with code until I got out in 2009 where I decided to go back to school for my Computer Science Degree.
Right around that same time I started looking at getting back into web development and away from Java and C++, that’s when I discovered the early versions of WordPress and decided to learn and perfect my Php skills.
I’ve had the blessing of speaking at WCNYC, WCLA, WCPhx, WCLV and now this will be first time speaking in my home town with WCSD.
I also started the Advanced WordPress Group on Meetup.com and Facebook a little over a year ago with a bunch of great friends in order to create a place for more in depth discussions.
These days I do mostly Ruby and Rails development but my heart and passion is still in WordPress because of the people and support I’ve received over the years.