Sallie Goetsch

Sallie Goetsch

Sallie Goetsch (rhymes with ‘sketch’) has been online since 1985. She hand-coded her first HTML website in 1994. She discovered WordPress in 2005 and has stuck with it through every version since. Sallie has been organizer of the East Bay WordPress Meetup in Oakland, California, since 2009. Involvement in the community inspired her to start a WordPress consulting business, WP Fangirl. Her developer superpower is also her kryptonite: patience. Sallie has taught WordPress classes for Mediabistro, acted as Technical Reviewer for O’Reilly’s WordPress: The Missing Manual, and produced training videos for Peachpit Press. She is a regular panelist on the WP-Tonic Roundtable podcast and a frequent speaker at WordCamp Sacramento. She lives in Oakley, California, with her husband and two cats.