All posts by mtrombl

Call for Volunteers - Because not all heroes wear capes

Call for Volunteers

Volunteers are the heroes that make hosting a WordCamp possible. There are no special skills required and we have open positions depending on your interest. Volunteers receive a complimentary ticket to WordCamp as a thank you for giving back to the local WordPress community!

Available Positions:

Setup Crew: We need a lot of heroes with mighty strength, or just a willingness to save the day.  You’ll have to be an early riser to for this one to ensure every attendee has an amazing experience!

Check In Support: You’re on the frontline and in a position to be the first point of contact for everyone in attendance.

Swag Agent: We’ll have some fun things to give away and everyone who visits the swag table is happy and excited!

Room Managers: This is an exciting position. You’ll not only get to see all of the talks, you’ll get to interact with the attendees and maintain the feel of the room!

Door Monitors: A really fun way to get to know people and support the rooms and talks.

Speaker Support: Aid the room manager in making sure each speaker has what they need to give an engaging talk.

Lunch Setup: You can’t take on the world and be hungry at the same time. We’ve got some exciting meals planned and need help to make sure everyone has a comfortable place to enjoy their break times.

Happiness/Help Bar: Provide in-person WordPress support and answer questions about using or getting started with WordPress.

Contributor Reps: We want people to get involved in! There are teams you can join from coding, to marketing, to support for community and documentation.  You’ll help people understand how to evaluate available teams and provide information on what it takes to participate!

Video Recording: You’re behind the camera for a specific session(s), with (some) creative license to focus on the slides or follow the speaker around on stage. We’re also looking for experienced video editors to process the footage to submit to!

Afterparty Help: Help participants step away from the technical and enjoy this social session. We’re planning a fun experience and need people in a support role to lend a hand here and there!

Teardown Crew: Help us clean up the rooms and remove any tables or equipment we set up. You’ll be the unseen hero!

Fill out the volunteer form and let us know you’re interested. We’ll contact you and provide any other specific information or answer any questions you have!